Musings (4/25/22)

  • My favorite political theorist, Yuval Levin, nails it (again): Levin: How to Cure the Culture War

  • A great summary from Craig Carter: 25 Theses on Classical Christian Trinitarianism

  • Putin is not alone. More wannabe autocrats are on the rise. The world order is changing, and not for the better: The Age of the Strong Man

  • The prophecy pundits must be going crazy over this one—a call to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple. Granted it is one thing to call for the temple to be rebuilt, but entirely another to actually clear off the Al Aqsa Mosque and begin construction. A more important question: “why would you want to see the Temple rebuilt with animal sacrifices resuming?” If you think this is a great idea, please re-read the Book of Hebrews: Time to Rebuild the Temple

  • As if calls to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple were not enough, Putin wants his chunk of Jerusalem back. Sounds to me like he’s still sore about the Crimean War, when the Orthodox, Roman, and Coptic churches fought over the keys (yes, the physical keys) of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which led to one the last wars of the colonial period and one of the first of the modern era. This time, it is about the Alexander Courtyard in Jerusalem. Putin demands return of Russian Orthodox holy site in Jerusalem

  • Even if time travel were possible, for those of you who would like to go back in time to hear Calvin preach, or witness Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, beware. You are in for a shock. Everyone there would stink! In fact, if we could go back in time, the very first thing we would notice would be the awful smell of just about everything: The Past Stinks! Literally!

  • A good friend has a new book on Christian evidences available on Amazon Kindle. Check it out. D'Virgilio: Univented: Why the Bible Could Not Be made Up

  • This is a great resource to bookmark. Lots of great BBW stuff here: Log College Press: Compiled Warfield Resources--Many Unpublished

  • My dad loved Tennessee Ernie Ford. We sold a gazillion of Ernie Ford’s gospel records in our Christian bookstore way back when. Me, I’m a child of the 60s-70’s and love classic rock. So when I saw a couple of the all-time guitar greats (Jeff Beck and Billy Gibbons) doing a cover of Ernie Ford’s biggest hit—Sixteen Tons (from 1956)—I thought I’d pass it along.