Behind the Scenes at the Blessed Hope Podcast

Our production team who make the Blessed Hope Possible . . .

Your host giving a lecture on the proper way to air grievances at Festivus.

Vladimir Lenin aired his grievances from this very spot (Bern, Switzerland) in 1915.

Our producer—whom many describe as “old school”—gets episodes of the Blessed Hope out on time and under budget

Editing is the hardest part of podcasting—our sound engineer reports that sometimes it can take days to produce a single one hour episode

The script writer—in his Turkish smoking hat—hard at work on the next episode

Our chief researcher and his research assistant doing background for future episodes

No one knows what a key grip does, but the Blessed Hope team has one


Winner of The Prestigious “Shealogian of the Year” Award

Named to the League of “Reformed Avengers”