Posts tagged scoffers will come
“The Day of the Lord Will Come Like a Thief” (2 Peter 3:1-13) -- Words of Warning and Comfort from Peter to the Pilgrim Church (Part Six)

Jesus Is Coming Back

Peter has lambasted those false teachers and prophets who were secretly introducing destructive heresies into the churches, and then leading people away from Christ so as to indulge the lusts of the flesh. As Peter has told his readers, the chief heresy being taught by these false teachers and prophets is the denial of our Lord’s bodily return at the end of the age, to judge the world, raise the dead, and to make all things new. If, as the false teachers were contending, Jesus is not going to return, then there will be no final judgment. And if there is no final judgment, then, as the false teachers were apparently arguing, there is no reason to restrain the lusts of the flesh.

But Peter was with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. The apostle was given a glimpse of Jesus’s glory which will be fully manifest when Jesus returns at the end of the age. Peter was also present with Jesus on the Mount of Olives (the Olivet Discourse) on that fateful night when Jesus spoke of his second coming as sudden–like a thief, who comes at an hour when you least expect him. The denial of something so clearly taught by Jesus and his apostles lies at the basis for the great irony spelled out by Peter in his second epistle–that these men who despise authority, and who are enslaved to the passions of the flesh, will find themselves facing the very same Savior on the day of judgment whose coming they deny, and standing before him for a final judgment in which they do not believe.

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