Posts tagged Postmillennialism
Christmas and End of the Year Musings (12/22/2023)

Riddleblog and Blessed Hope Updates:

  • For some reason, I was not getting notifications when folks comment on Riddleblog posts. I was also gone for several weeks in November. So, I missed a number of your questions/comments. Very sorry, but I think the problem has been fixed.

  • I should have a release date for Season Three of the Blessed Hope podcast soon—early in the New Year. I’ve been hard at work, getting the first few episodes of our study of 1 Corinthians ready. I’d like to have several episodes “in the can” before season three begins.

  • The Riddleblog Series on the Book of Daniel is underway.

Thinking out loud:

  • Count me among the vast majority of Americans who do not want to see either Trump or Biden nominated by their respective parties. Every news cycle reveals more cringeworthiness, disrespect for the rule of law, and ineptitude from both of them. There are 340 million Americans and this is the best the Ds and Rs can do?

  • Why do personal injury attorneys always seem to wear incandescent blue suits in their commercials and billboard ads?

  • The NCAA better fix the NIL mess with college football—this current signing date and transfer portal situation is pure chaos.

To read the rest of my musings, follow the link below

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New Episode of the Blessed Hope Podcast -- "Eschatology by Ethos: Why Optimism and Pessimism Do Not Work as Eschatological Categories"

Episode Synopsis:

The first time I heard the term “optimistic amillennarian” was in seminary, when a student asked one of the professors whether they were postmillennial or amillennial. The professor said he admired much about postmillennialism, but thought amillennialism was the biblical view. But after saying that, he blurted out, “well, maybe, I’m optimistic Amillennial.” That started quite a discussion among the students, with the postmillennial students pressing the amillennial students to give up their “pessimistic eschatology” and do as the professor had done, declare themselves to be eschatological optimists. Presumably, this was the first step on the way to becoming postmillennial. I was one of those present who still hadn’t figured out how my newly-found Reformed convictions were going to influence my views on eschatology. The only thing I was sure about was that I could not remain a dispensationalist.

I did indeed give up my premillennialism and dispensationalism for amillennialism and have spent much time since writing, teaching, and discussing why I made the move. Over time I thought that I had managed to distance myself from my dispensational past, and I worked hard to replace my dispensational hermeneutic with a covenantal approach to Scripture.

Yet there was one tie which still bound me to dispensationalism–the postmillennal charge that both schools of thought (amillennial and dispensational premillennialism) were intrinsically “pessimistic,” while only postmillennarians have an eschatology of “essential optimism.” This always struck me as odd, since as an amillennarian I believe that the kingdom of God is victorious over unbelief and all the forces of the devil, that the gospel will spread to the ends of the earth because God is sovereign over all things. But I remain pessimistic about the city of man which will destroyed in the end when Jesus returns to raise the dead, judge the world, and make all things new.

Both amillennialism and postmillennialism contend that the scene in Revelation 20:1-10–the only place where a period of a thousand years (or a millennial age) is mentioned in Scripture–occurs before Christ returns, not after, as in premillennialism. This means that structurally speaking, amillennialism and postmillennial are very similar. The two views have coexisted from time of the apostolic age, usually identified as non-chiliastic (non-millenarian). It wasn’t until early in the 20th century that the two views (amillennialism and postmillennialism) were distinguished from one another as distinct eschatological positions. Both have existed together from the time of the Reformation–the differences centering around the timing, duration, and character of the millennial age.

As we will see, in the 1970's things changed. So where did the optimism-pessimism categories come from? Do they accurately describe the three main eschatological schools of thought? Might they even be misleading? And therefore not helpful? That’s my take . . .

To see the show notes and listen to the episode, follow the link below

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Princeton and the Millennium: A Study of American Postmillennialism

In this essay, I address the postmillennial eschatology of the famous “Old Princeton” theologians, Charles Hodge, A. A. Hodge, and B. B. Warfield. I look at the postmillennialism of Daniel Whitby and Jonathan Edwards, move on to discuss the various postmillennial distinctives, the rise of a distinct Amillennial view (which had previously been discussed under the heading “postmillennialism”) before I draw a series of conclusions about how each of the Princeton theologians modified and moderated the postmillennialism which they inherited from Whitby and Edwards.

You can find the essay here: Princeton and the Millennium: A Study of American Postmillennialism

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