Year-End Musings (12/31/2022)

Television commercials have reached an all-time low. Here’s what I find most offensive.

  • Any political commercial . . . no explanation needed

  • What does an Emu have to do with Insurance (Liberty Mutual?)

  • The Charmin bear with a “clean hiney” commercial. Aren’t bears supposed to do their business in the woods?

  • I’d rather not see women of varying proportions in their dainties talking above private hygiene matters—complete with examples.

  • Same-sex couples smooching.

  • There’s a company advertising a series of products which I must buy “right now!” because the manufacturer is no longer making them and therefore supplies are limited. Think about that for a minute. Why buy something which is so great it is no longer going to be made?

  • Pharmaceutical companies selling medications with side-effects which may lead to death . . .