Pastor Buzzkill (Best of the Old Riddleblog # 7)

From October of 2015

Pastors are always more than a little apprehensive during weddings.  Why? Because even though the couple you just married are thrilled that after months of preparation that they have finally been pronounced man and wife, that moment is immortalized on film. Lots of film. Every pastor who conducts a wedding knows they are one slip-up away from being on America’s Funniest Home Videos.

Behind the obvious joy of the moment, there is pastor buzzkill-caught looking over my glasses with a disapproving scowl on my face even as the newlyweds express their heart-felt joy.

I'm glad this charming couple found humor in this photo--they teased me with it--and I'm sure they know there was nothing about that day of which even remotely I disapprove.

Here is yet another reminder that the camera catches all, including my lunch backing up, or that moment when my thoughts began to turn to what it is that I was to do next in the ceremony.

Whatever I was thinking or digesting, here I am, pastor buzzkill in all my glory! The moral to the story, "smile!"  The camera is watching!

And to you young ministers reading this, don't eat fast food in a rush right before conducting a wedding. The inevitable verp awaits . . .

Kim Riddlebarger