Posts tagged monergism
A Request from Monergism.Com is an invaluable resource. John Hendryx, the proprietor, has been providing great free resources for over a decade. Here’s the purpose statement from the “about” section of the website if you are not familiar with them. is a free, comprehensive online theological library comprised of Reformed Christian resources designed to bring glory to Jesus Christ alone. The directory consists of original and aggregated content from around the world emphasizing the good news that salvation is God's free gift for guilty sinners, not a reward for the righteous.

John sent out the following request earlier this week. is well worth supporting. Check out the links provided at the end of the request if you wish to sample the sort of resources they provide.

You can read John’s request and check out their free resources by following the link below

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B. B. Warfield on the Essence of Calvinism: “God Saves Sinners”

B. B. Warfield is well-known as an ardent defender of what is commonly identified as “Calvinism,” which Warfield defines simply as a “profound apprehension of God in His majesty.” In an entry entitled “Calvinism” written in 1908 for the New Schaff-Herzog, Encyclopedia of the Religious Knowledge (a massive and respected reference work in its time), the Calvinist, says Warfield is one who . . .

who believes in God without reserve, and is determined that God shall be God to him in all his thinking, feeling, willing—in the entire compass of his life-activities, intellectual, moral, spiritual, throughout all his individual, social, religious relations—is, by the force of that strictest of all logic which presides over the outworking of principles into thought and life, by the very necessity of the case, a Calvinist. In Calvinism, then, objectively speaking, theism comes to its rights; subjectively speaking, the religious relation attains its purity; soteriologically speaking, evangelical religion finds at length its full expression and its secure stability.

As for the Calvinist’s understanding of redemption from the guilt and power of sin, Warfield contends we must start with the fact of revelation—Calvinistic doctrine is revealed in Scripture and is not the consequence of human speculation (as often charged). He notes, “a supernatural revelation, in which God makes known to man His will and His purposes of grace; a supernatural record of this revelation in a supernaturally given book, in which God gives His revelation permanency and extension—such things are to the Calvinist almost matters of course.” To paraphrase Warfield here, Calvinism is “biblical.”

To read the rest of Warfield’s comments, follow the link below

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