"Preaching --The Demonstration of the Spirit's Power" (1 Corinthians 2:1-16) A New Episode of the Blessed Hope Podcast

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Episode Synopsis:

Paul did not come to Corinth as a typical sage, sophist, or philosopher. He was an unimpressive rabbi and made no attempt to embrace Greco-Roman rhetorical techniques to keep an audience entertained and wanting more. Paul’s mission to the Gentiles was not about him, it was about the message he preached, Christ and him crucified.

When Paul arrived in Corinth he was weak and fearful. He impressed no one with his charisma or eloquent speech. But he did know that the power and wisdom of God are revealed through the preaching of the cross. Despite the fact that Jews and Greeks thought that the message of the cross was foolishness, scandalous, and a stumbling block, it was through this message that God saves sinners. The proof that the Spirit of God was at work? There was a thriving church in Corinth, which despite the issues plaguing them was filled with new converts, both Jews and Greeks.

Paul reminds the Corinthians that the Holy Spirit knows the mind of God, revealing that Jesus is the Lord of glory. But since God’s wisdom was hidden from the rulers of this age, they put Jesus to death. While Greeks and Romans mock and detest the weakness and humiliation of the suffering Savior, it is through Jesus’s apparent weakness, shame, and suffering that the wisdom and power of God are displayed. But apart from the work of the Holy Spirit opening their hearts to the truth, the rulers are doomed to pass away along with this present evil age.

Paul tells the Corinthians that their focus should never be on him, or on Apollos or on Peter, but on the content of his message. That which was hidden throughout the Old Testament has been revealed in the person and work of Jesus Christ through the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit. Many of our contemporaries think this power is manifest in the signs and wonders that are supposedly present in Pentecostalism and charismatic worship. But for Paul, the demonstration of the Spirit’s power is preaching the gospel and seeing people come to faith in Jesus.

Show Notes:

Prayer works, not a single airplane interruption!

The episodes for chapters 2-3 will run slightly over an hour. I’d prefer them to be closer to 45 minutes in length, but hate to split these chapters into multiple episodes.

As it stands now, I hope to take a bit of a break after we complete chapter six (the end of the first half of First Corinthians) before resuming with chapter 7.

Recommended Links:

Carl Truman: Faithful Preaching in a Fashionable Age

Michael Kruger: How the Scandal of Preaching Will Change the Postmodern Age

Bredenhof: Unction and Preaching

Cruse: The Foolishness of Preaching

Series Bibliography:

Kim Riddlebarger, First Corinthians --Lectio Continua (RHB, 2024).

F. F. Bruce, Paul: The Apostle of the Heart Set Free. A bit dated but still remains the best biographical study of Paul

Douglas J. Moo, A Theology of Paul and His Letters (2021). A helpful big picture survey of Paul’s theology and epistles.

Thomas R. Schreiner, 1 Corinthians : An Introduction and Commentary, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (2018). A good and modern commentary on 1 Corinthians. If you buy one commentary, this ought to be it.

Charles Hodge, I & II Corinthians, reprint ed (Banner, or the volume on 1 Corinthians published by Crossway. This has long been the Reformed standard commentary on 1 Corinthians. Theologically solid, but badly dated.

Gordon Fee, The First Epistle to the Corinthians, NICNT (1987). Good material, especially on background and context, but charismatic in its orientation.

Roy E. Ciampa and Brian S. Rosner, The First Letter to the Corinthians, The Pillar New Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, (2010). A good academic commentary, although there are several solid ones from which to choose.


(Shutterstock): Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op 92m, second movement, Allegretto (A minor)